Instruments Owned by Nippon Music Foundation

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Stradivarius 1696 Cello

“Lord Aylesford”

  • “Lord Aylesford”
  • “Lord Aylesford”


It is said that there are about 50 cellos made by Antonio Stradivari which remain today. This cello was brought to London from Italy around 1780 by a well-known violinist Felice de Giardini (1716-1796), who sold it to Lord Aylesford, a well-known amateur player. It was retained by his family for about 100 years, hence the name of this cello. In 1875, it was sold to the violin dealer George Hart of London, who sold it to Baron Heath in 1880. However, it was bought back by George Hart in 1882, and re-sold to Mr. Richard Bennett, who in his later years formed a fine collection of Cremonese masterpieces. At one time he also possessed the “Messie”, the “Alard” and other famous Stradivari instruments. Not being a cellist himself, Mr. Bennett parted with the instrument and left it on sale with W. E. Hill & Sons in 1892. The firm retained possession of it until 1898, when it once again passed into the hands of George Hart, who later sold it to Mr. Keene of Buenos Aires. It was purchased by Maucotel of Paris in 1923 and was sold in Germany through the intermediary of Mr. Hamma of Stuttgart. It later formed part of the famous collection of Mr. Harry Wahl in Vyborg, Finland. After World War II, he sold many of his instruments to Emil Herrmann, dealer of New York, and through him in 1946, it passed into the possession of Gregor Piatigorsky (1903-1976), the world-acclaimed cellist who resided in Philadelphia. Janos Starker (1924-2013) had the use of this cello between 1950-1965 and made 35 recordings with the instrument. In 1966, the cello passed into the hands of Henry Werro, luthier of Berne and had been kept by his family since then. Nippon Music Foundation acquired this instrument in June 2003 from the Werro family.


The back, in two pieces, is of maple marked by a narrow curl of medium strength, a small wing having been added by the maker to the lower bass flank. That of the sides and the scroll is similar. The table, in five pieces of spruce, is of mostly medium to medium broad grain. The varnish, liberally applied, is of an orange brown color, of a deeper shade on the table. The length of the body was slightly reduced from its original dimensions in order to make it easier to play. This work was carried out very successfully by an excellent luthier Jean Werro in a way that cannot be visually recognized.


Stradivarius 1696 Cello “Lord Aylesford”

October 12, 1966 Rembert Wurlitzer, Inc., to Henry Werro
September 28, 1959 Emil Herrrmann, to Hugh W. Long
October 22, 1946 W. E. Hill & Sons, to Gregor Piatigorsky


Stradivarius 1696 Cello “Lord Aylesford”

April 23, 2003 Andrew Hill, Report to Nippon Music Foundation
October 21, 1946 William E. Hill & Sons, History letter to Gregor Piatigorsky

“Violin Iconography of Antonio Stradivari: 1644-1737” by H.K. Goodkind (P261-262)
“Antonio Stradivari His Life of Work” by W. E . Hill (P116-118)
“How Many Strads?” by Doring (P89-91)

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